Bhalpabo Najanilu

  • 2013
  • 6527 mins
  • all age
  • 203

Film Bhal Pabo Najanilu was released on September 2013 across the state and now the makers has released it on YouTube a year. Do watch and comment your feedback. It is a fact that today’s major portion of youth, who they are restless but energetic too, do not have any involvement to their family, community, society and even for them. They themselves make an own World and use to be happy in that World with their own style. But speedy, fast blooming realistic World never allows them remain same as they are to that World. These guys are too much “Bindas” and they do not also have such potentiality to face critical environment bringing them by this practical world. Somehow it is only because of their parents who never try to introduce with that real World. In spite of that truth there might be sustained an inspiration by virtue of Love. Love can have that potentiality to teach them a lesson which can bring them back on the right track. After having gone through with such a panic situation by a family sometime their love learn them about their responsibility to their family, society and even for him too. Ayush, central character of this film, dramatically in the climax gone through with same situation and this should be gist part of the film which the maker wants to enlighten.

  • Directors : N/A
  • Starring : N/A
  • Genres : Romance
  • Audio Language : Assamese

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